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Aulas Sin Fronteras


Aulas Sin Fronteras 2023-Errachidia

Azken hilabeteotan, Harrobia ikastolako praktiketako ikasleek Errachidiara (Amazigh herria Marokoko hego-ekialdean), El Aaiunera eta Nouakchottera (Mugarik Gabeko Ikasgelak 2023 proiektuaren barruan) bidaliko duten materiala prestatu dute. 1760 ordenagailu eramangarri prozesatu dira: Toshiba Satellite (Bizkaiko eta Gipuzkoako ikastetxe eta institutuek utzitakoak), Osakidetzak eta SaninazioBHIk utzitako mahai gaineko 50 ordenagailu eta Miribilla eskolak, ArriorriagaLHIk (guraso-elkartearen laguntzarekin) eta …

Aulas Sin Fronteras 2023-Errachidia Leer más »

Mohamed has presented today the results of the visit and training carried out in the schools of Errachidia.

Great news! Mohamed has presented today the results of the visit and training carried out in the schools of Errachidia and the results are very promising. Schools and teachers have shown great interest, he visited several schools throughout the month of training to verify the donated material and give training to teachers on the Txikilinux …

Mohamed has presented today the results of the visit and training carried out in the schools of Errachidia. Leer más »

Professor Mustapha has spoken about the impressive improvement he has noticed in teaching for students.

Professor Mustapha, who works in one of the schools that received the computers donated by Classrooms Without Borders, has spoken about the impressive improvement he has noticed in teaching for students thanks to technology. Mustapha says that since girls and boys started using computers in the classroom, their learning has become much more fun and …

Professor Mustapha has spoken about the impressive improvement he has noticed in teaching for students. Leer más »

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