Aulas sin fronteras

Errachidia 2-2024

Phase 2 : Improving Education with SSD Drives and New Batteries

We have reached phase one of our goal of donating 400 laptops to schools! Now we are excited to share that we are starting phase two of our project, which is to further improve the quality of equipment to benefit students.

In this phase, we are going to install SSD drives and new batteries in the donated laptops.
This is essential to guarantee optimal performance of the equipment and maximize its useful life.
SSD drives will enable higher data read and write speeds, making laptops faster and more efficient at running educational programs and applications. In addition, the new batteries will ensure a longer charge life, allowing students to use the notebooks longer without having to worry about running out of power in the middle of their educational activities.

To carry out this phase, we have a team of trained technicians with experience in installing SSD drives and batteries in electronic equipment.
We make sure we have all the necessary materials and tools to carry out the process safely and efficiently.

We understand the importance of ensuring that donated laptops are of the highest quality possible to benefit students and enhance their educational experience. For this reason, we are committed to carrying out this phase with the greatest care and attention, following the standards and best practices in the handling of electronic equipment.

Once this phase is completed, the laptops will be ready to be used by the students in the benefited schools.
We are sure that this improvement in equipment will allow students to access educational resources faster and more efficiently, which will contribute to their learning process.

We want to thank all those who have given us their support and have made donations for this project.
Your generosity has made it possible to reach phase two of our grant and improve the education of hundreds of students. If you would like to support our cause and make a donation, we invite you to contact us or visit our donation page.

Thank you for being part of this project and contributing to improve the education of our students through the donation of laptops and their improvement with SSD drives and new batteries. Your support makes a difference in the lives of these young people and in their access to quality education. Together we are building a better future!

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