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Legal Notice


This document establishes the General Conditions of Use of this WEBSITE that ELKARTENET HEZKUNTZA ELKARTEA maintains on the Internet.

Access to this WEBSITE is subject to prior reading and acceptance by any user of the terms, conditions, communications, warnings and other legal notices contained in this clause.

Access to this WEBSITE is free of charge and viewing it does not require prior subscription or registration.

Connections to other WEBSITE that may exist as well as the use that the user may make of them is subject to these General Conditions of Use as well as any specific conditions that the aforementioned WEBSITE may require.

Any use other than that authorized is expressly prohibited.

The identifying details of the person responsible for this WEBSITE are:

ELKARTENET HEZKUNTZA ELKARTEA, with CIF- G95962825 domiciled at Plaza La Cantera, 4, 48003, Bilbao, registered in the Registry of Associations of the Basque Government.

1.- As the service provider, ELKARTENET is obliged to provide the services offered by this WEBSITE, to effectively guarantee the confidentiality of any communications that may exist with the user, as well as to respond to any claims that may arise. This WEBSITE does not collect or store personal data from its visitors, unless the user voluntarily provides it.

2.- ELKARTENET reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the WEBSITE or to its configuration or presentation, without prejudice to which it will endeavour to inform users, whenever circumstances permit.

3.- Both access to the WEBSITE and the use that may be made of the information contained therein are the exclusive responsibility of the person who does so. ELKARTENET will not be liable for any consequences, damage or harm that may arise from said access or use of information, with the exception of all those actions that result from the application of the legal provisions to which it must be subject in the strict exercise of its powers.

ELKARTENET does not guarantee, directly or indirectly, the information or services offered, except for those guarantees that by virtue of the applicable laws must be granted or that are explicitly described in an agreement between this company and the user.

ELKARTENET does not guarantee the content provided, where appropriate, by third parties, nor does it guarantee the veracity, reliability, precision, timeliness or suitability of the information provided for the purpose that the users or any other person make of it.


1.- At all times, the user must make lawful use of the services of this WEBSITE in accordance with current legislation, respecting the intellectual property rights of ELKARTENET.

2.- The user will not carry out any action through the services made available by ELKARTENET that causes damage or alterations to the contents, nor will he/she hinder the proper functioning of the WEBSITE, not causing technical problems of any kind, not transferring elements that may carry computer viruses or damage, interfere with or intercept this WEBSITE in whole or in part, as well as not intervening or altering the email of other users.


1.- ELKARTENET does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of this WEBSITE and its services.

In this way, any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the WEBSITE and its services is excluded.

In any case, ELKARTENET will make its best efforts to maintain the continued availability of this WEBSITE.

2.- ELKARTENET makes available to users the personal data privacy systems that prevent access to them by third parties. (ELKARTENET Privacy Policy). ELKARTENET has implemented all the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the personal data provided by the user.

In this sense, the aforementioned organization is exempt from all liability for damages caused if such knowledge occurs.

3.- Although ELKARTENET has implemented all appropriate measures to ensure security in this area, it does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents of this WEB page that may cause alterations in the computer system (software and hardware) of the user or in the electronic documents and files stored in his/her computer system.

ELKARTENET is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses in the contents that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents, files, etc.

4.- Despite the continued efforts it makes to this effect, ELKARTENET does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the WEB or its content. Therefore, the user exonerates ELKARTENET from any liability in relation to the reliability, usefulness or false expectations that the Portal may produce during navigation.


The intellectual property rights over this WEBSITE and the various elements contained therein are the property of ELKARTENET, except for those of companies with which it has signed the corresponding contract for the provision of content and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations. The exclusive exercise of the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation belong to the aforementioned company.

The design, images, maps, graphics, brands, labels, distinctive signs or logos of ELKARTENET, frames, banners, software and its various codes, source and object, etc. of this WEBSITE are the property of ELKARTENET, which legitimately holds the exclusive rights of exploitation over them.

The user who accesses this WEBSITE may not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, transfer, sell the aforementioned elements or create new products or services derived from the information obtained.

The viewing and uploading of this website is only authorized for the personal and non-commercial use of the user, and may not be extended to third parties or entities.

Any alteration of this website by the user that may affect its content, such as links and similar, is strictly prohibited.

ELKARTENET will ensure that the content of this website is not pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist, defamatory, or that it does not promote violence.

It will also try to avoid any circumstance that may be harmful to users.


No link may be established to the Portal from any other WEBSITE without the prior and express consent of ELKARTENET, except for public administrations, other ikastolas and companies or agents that maintain a common work with ELKARTENET.

In the event that this WEBSITE may contain links to other portals or WEBSITE not managed by ELKARTENET, this organization declares that it does not exercise any control over said portals or WEBSITE, nor is it responsible for their content. The links that this WEBSITE may contain will be offered solely as informative references, without any type of assessment of the content, owners, services or products offered from them.

In any case, ELKARTENET is exonerated from all responsibility in relation to the services provided by said third parties against any claims of any nature and demands that may be filed in relation to them.


Regarding the use of Cookies, ELKARTENET informs the user that when browsing the different screens and pages of this website, cookies are used, which are intended to recognize users who have registered and offer a personalized service, as well as provide information about the date or time of the visit, measure some parameters of traffic within the website itself and estimate the number of visits made, allowing ELKARTENET to focus and readjust the services it offers in the most effective way.

The cookies used are stored on the user’s hard drive but do not allow the data contained therein to be read, nor the cookie files created by other providers to be read. The cookies used are not invasive or harmful, and can be deactivated using the corresponding option that appears in the browser.


These General Conditions of use and navigation, as well as any relationship between the user and ELKARTENET, shall be governed by Spanish law.

For any dispute arising from the existence or content of these General Conditions or from the relations between the user and ELKARTENET, both parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Bilbao (Bizkaia).

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