Aulas sin fronteras

A year ago we contacted Saleh Zein Sidahamed from Sahara. Saleh is the founder of the Saharaldeba association, which in recent years has been a meeting point for the Sahrawis in the Alto Deba. Thanks to this relationship we have carried out several joint actions: we have participated with the schoolchildren in the festival celebrated by the Sahrawis, we have held training meetings with the head of the Polisario Front, and what is more important, we are carrying out the project you are reading.

This project consists of four phases:

>In the next phase, we have agreed on the definition and planning of the project. Together with Saleh we met in Arrasate with the head of the Polisario Front in Euskadi, Mohamed Fadel Mojtar. In that meeting we promised that the Polisario Front would put us in contact with the authorities of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and to facilitate the necessary permits, while we promised to supply computers to both the administration and the schools.

>In the second phase, Saleh went to the Camps to collect information about the needs of his classes. He visited the primary, secondary and vocational schools in the areas of Smara, Auserd, El Aaiún, Gazuani during a trip that lasted 10 days.

>In the third phase, we have prepared the computers: in total there will be 100 computers in the 5 camps to combat the digital divide, most of which will be used for primary school. As we said before, we have prepared 100 Toshiba Eskola 2.0 computers. Also in this case, once the diagnosis of the computers was carried out (keyboard, screen, hard drive, RAM, battery and wiring), we have added up to 4G RAM to the computers. To finish the process we have installed the TXIKILINUX free software operating system and the necessary software, we have put it in Arabic and put stickers on the keyboards.

>In the next phase, we plan to go to the camps to advise on the use and maintenance of their computers. Our goal in the future is to extend the project to all schools.

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