Aulas sin fronteras

We contacted the Aretxabaleta Yaakar Association, which is celebrating its first anniversary. Suleimán and Aminata live and work in Aretxabaleta, they are originally from the town of Mbam. The Yaakar Association was created in Aretxabaleta to be a travelling companion in the development of the inhabitants of the Yaakar area. To give some examples, we can mention the Mbam maternity centre, which was set up thanks to the material provided by Osakidetza and the equipment of tables and chairs in the classrooms of its schools.

From Arizari we have prepared a laptop so that the people of Yaakar can carry out the administrative tasks of the association. Thanks to this collaboration, we made a proposal to digitise the Mbam schools to the Aretxabaleta Yaakar Association and they responded affirmatively. The first and second year students of microcomputer science have been committed in the last five months to face the project.

We have prepared 5 laptops for the directors of Mbam, donated by companies in the area. As we are committed to free software, the operating system on these computers is Qbuntua. The work included adapting the computers to the required language, French.

We have received the Toshiba 2.0 computers used in schools and ikastolas in Euskadi with the collaboration of the Elkartenet association. We will send 100 computers to the Mbam centres; once the diagnosis of the computers was carried out (checking that the keyboard, screen, battery and cables are in good condition), we added a memory of up to 4G RAM to the computers. To finish the process we installed the free software TXIKILINUX program, put it in French and put stickers on the keyboards.
In June of this year we will send the computers in a container together with other materials. The Yaakar association will be in charge of the shipment.

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